First Steps

Understanding proxy injection and Gateways.

Missing Sidecars

The Travel Demo has been deployed in the previous step but without installing any Istio sidecar proxy.

In that case, the application won’t connect to the control plane and won’t take advantage of Istio’s features.

In Kiali, we will see the new namespaces in the overview page:


But we won’t see any traffic in the graph page for any of these new namespaces:

Empty Graph

If we examine the Applications, Workloads or Services page, it will confirm that there are missing sidecars:

Missing Sidecar

Enable Sidecars

In this tutorial, we will add namespaces and workloads into the ServiceMesh individually step by step.

This will help you to understand how Istio sidecar proxies work and how applications can use Istio’s features.

We are going to start with the control workload deployed into the travel-control namespace:

Enable Auto Injection per Namespace

Enable Auto Injection per Workkload

Understanding what happened:

(i) Sidecar Injection

(ii) Injection Concepts

Open Travel Demo to Outside Traffic

The control workload now has an Istio sidecar proxy injected but this application is not accessible from the outside.

In this step we are going to expose the control service using an Istio Ingress Gateway which will map a path to a route at the edge of the mesh.

For minikube we will check the External IP of the Ingress gateway:

$ kubectl get services/istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system
NAME                   TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)                                                                      AGE
istio-ingressgateway   LoadBalancer   15021:30757/TCP,80:32647/TCP,443:30900/TCP,31400:30427/TCP,15443:31072/TCP   19h

And we will add a simple entry to the /etc/hosts of the tutorial machine with the desired DNS entry:


Then, from this machine, the url will resolve to the External IP of the Ingress Gateway of Istio.

For OpenShift we will expose the Ingress gateway as a service:

$ oc expose service istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system
$ oc get routes -n istio-system
NAME                   HOST/PORT                                  PATH   SERVICES               PORT    TERMINATION          WILDCARD
istio-ingressgateway   <YOUR_ROUTE_HOST>                                 istio-ingressgateway   http2                        None

Then, from this machine, the host <YOUR_ROUTE_HOST> will resolve to the External IP of the Ingress Gateway of Istio. For OpenShift we will not define a DNS entry, instead, where you see in the steps below, subsitute the value of <YOUR_ROUTE_HOST>.

Request Routing Wizard

Use “Add Route Rule” button to add a default rule where any request will be routed to the control workload.

Routing Rule

Use the Advanced Options and add a gateway with host and create the Istio config.

Create Gateway

Verify the Istio configuration generated.

Istio Config

Test Gateway

Travel Control Graph

Understanding what happened:

  • External traffic enters into the cluster through a Gateway
  • Traffic is routed to the control service through a VirtualService
  • Kiali Graph visualizes the traffic telemetry reported from the control sidecar proxy
    • Only the travel-control namespace is part of the mesh

(i) Istio Gateway

(ii) Istio Virtual Service